Enlightenment > Star Trek > DS9
DS9 3-22

DS9 3x22

Original airdate: 5/8/1995
Rewatch date: 8/11/2013

Sisko and his son attempt to recreate an ancient, pre-warp Bajoran spaceflight to Cardassia, while Bashir meets up with the one person who surpassed him at the Academy.

Spoiler-free notes:

In the Star Trek universe, when a guy shows up with a goatee, you should probably assume he's an evil twin.

The building montage is hokey and unnecessary.

The "gravity net" is an all-too obvious way around the budgetary problems of trying to recreate zero gravity, but I can't think of any better way to handle it. At least the writers refer back to it when Sisko talks about the way certain parts of the ship were designed for weightlessness.

When did Jake get so tall?

Is this the first Star Trek reference to the bathroom?

The scene where Bashir and O'Brien get drunk together is priceless. Man, I've been there.

When Elizabeth Lense talks to Bashir about the differences in their respective careers--discussing the pros and cons of working on a "long-term project" versus going from one planet to the next--it feels like the writers are getting a bit meta, discussing the differences between DS9 and the other Star Trek shows.

Cardassian space fireworks? Really?

This is an awfully soapy episode, but it's a necessary one to build on Jake's character and his relationship to his father. With Nog joining Starfleet and Jake rejecting that path, he's been in a kind of limbo, but here the writers are finding a good use for him and giving him a creative streak. I like the idea of the solar sail vessel--something real scientists have been proposing for decades--but the whole "nutrinos-somehow-make-it-travel-at-warp-speeds-because-of-surface-area-and-stuff" is utter balderdash. The B-story is only worth it for the scene where O'Brien and Bashir get drunk--otherwise it's pretty bland--and the A-story is okay, albeit way too special for my tastes.

DS9 3x21
"The Die is Cast"
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
DS9 3x23
"Family Business"
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